Uncertainty and Fear

Every year since 2012, I have been given words that will describe the type of year ahead. I usually divulge with my friends, family, and clients. Now that I have this platform, as I am able to share with a larger audience.

This year was described as: THIS IS a Karma year; a new cycle for some and the end of an old one for others. You shall reap what you have sown, your accumulation of bad deeds and good deeds shall be your judgment. It will be a year of reckoning! I am a firm believer that I am a spiritual being having a human experience. I knew it would be heavy, just not the whole world heavy. Little did I truly understand the type of reckoning we would be facing. It made me want to reconsider announcing yearly descriptions…hey it is what it is and we’re nearly through the rabbit hole.

I know that many of you even the ones who don’t think they have intuitive gifts are having dreams. I encourage you to keep a notebook and pen near you at all times. Dreams/visions/thoughts are at an all-time high. And the creator has been known to use small things to demonstrate great might.

Tonight, I was in meditation and received a bible passage Ecclesiastes 12. The last two verses struck a chord with me. 

13 Now all has been heard;
    here is the conclusion of the matter:
Fear God and keep his commandments,
    for this is the duty of all mankind.
14 For God will bring every deed into judgment,
    including every hidden thing,
    whether it is good or evil.

– Tam


New Moon

At this time the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, so it is not seen from Earth. 

The New Moon marks the time for new beginnings, fresh starts, growth, optimism, starting over, hope and faith. At this time the Moon is positioned between the Earth and the Sun, so it is not seen from Earth. When the Moon is not visible it is regarded as having a clean slate. 

This is a good time for alchemy/meditations concerning stuff like a new diet, a new lifestyle, shifting to a new course of study, starting at a new job, starting over in a new place, or the start of a new relationship.

Waxing Moon

The ‘Waxing’ means the Moons illumination is glowing and the ‘Crescent’ means less than half of the Moon is illuminated.

During this time for undertakings such as building credit, professional accomplishments, creativity, strength, growth and learning, and positive transformation.

Full Moon

The energy of the moon is also at its peak. The Full Moon is the time of abundance, harvest, manifesting desires, sexuality, achievement, and protection. 

This is the best time for consecrating tools, charging jewelry, and wishes like winning a court case, winning a contest, landing a job, getting married, good health, financial prosperity, and healing. It is also the time for spells about spirituality, psychic development, dreams, and divination.

Waning Moon

The energy of the moon is getting weaker. This is the perfect time for letting go, clearing away, cleansing, releasing, shedding old patterns, and undoing bindings. This is a time of personal reflection.

The days just before the Dark of the Moon are best for doing alchemy/meditations for removal of anything that you don’t want from your life like bad habits, stress, negative energies, unsatisfying relationships, unfulfilling jobs, an unhealthy diet, or an anxious and negative mind.

The waning Moon is most beneficial for matters at a stage of consolidation, conservation, and completion. Cutting hair now will make it grow slower. Plant or replant plants that have fruits under the ground.

Dark Moon

The Dark Moon is the time when the moon appears completely covered in darkness. This is the time of rest, relaxation, peace, deep wisdom, powerful banishing, divination.

This is a time to banish negative energies from our lives that we are serious about getting rid of. Any kind of alchemy/meditations you do at this time, you should know, will be VERY strong. Use it for banishing serious things like illnesses of the body and mind.

This time, we accept that we do not know all the answers and that everything that we need to learn will be revealed to us in time– and from that, we should feel peace.

This is a great website to figure out planetary days and times, click here.



Prana means life force or breath sustaining the body; Ayama translates as “to extend or draw out.” Together two mean breath extension or control. It moves stagnant, deep seated energy transforming it into to harmonic, focused energy 

Rhythmic Breathing

(1) Sit or stand, in an easy posture, being sure to hold the chest, neck and head as nearly in a straight line as possible, with shoulders slightly thrown back and hands resting easily on the lap. In this position the weight of the body is largely supported by the ribs and the position may be easily maintained. The Yogi has found that one cannot get the best effect of rhythmic breathing with the chest drawn. in and the abdomen protruding.

(2) Inhale slowly a deep breath, counting six pulse units.

(3) Retain, counting three pulse units.

(4) Exhale slowly through the nostrils, counting six pulse units.

(5) Count three pulse beats between breaths.

(6) Repeat a number of times, but avoid fatiguing yourself at the start.

(7) When you are ready to close the exercise, practise the cleansing breath, which will rest you and cleanse the lungs.

After a little practice you will be able to increase the duration of the inhalations and exhalations, until about fifteen pulse units are consumed. In this increase, remember that the units for retention and between breaths is one-half the units for inhalation and exhalation.

Do not overdo yourself in your effort to increase the duration of the breath, but pay as much attention as possible to acquiring the “rhythm,” as that is more important than the length of the breath. Practise and try until you get the measured “swing” of the movement, and until you can almost “feel” the rhythm of the vibratory motion throughout your whole body. It will require a little practice and perseverance, but your pleasure at your improvement will make the task an easy one. The Yogis are most patient and persevering men, and their great attainments are due largely to the possession of these qualities.

Watch the video below to gain more insight on pranic breathing.


Ancestor money has different names including ghost money, spirit money, Joss paper, hell notes (mistranslated), heaven notes.

The image of the Jade Emperor is commonly seen on ancestor money. The history behind this is that the Jade Emperor is a Higher God in the Taoist pantheon and is considered the deity over all money on earth. The Jade Emperor (玉皇) is one of Chinese mythology’s most important and popular deities. He is considered to be the ruler of heaven, one of the highest ranking gods, and the very first of the Chinese emperors.

The purpose of ancestor money is to clear our paths towards balance and well being. The premise is that we inherit lifetimes of debt and other karmic lessons through our lineage, therefore, it’s important that we counter the debts and karma by offering ancestor money. For example, if your family tree is rife with addictions, caring for your ancestors with money, food and a position of honour in your home will ultimately lessen the stronghold of addiction in your family tree. This is done by burning notes in a fireproof vessel. There are various affirmations, prayers and meditations that can be said during this rite.

This burning ritual at your ancestral altar provides the ancestors with what they need on the “other side”. The greater the denomination of bills you get, the more expensive it will be and the more debt you can clear.  

Honour the Ancestors and they will bless you! 


Floral spiritual bath surrounded by rose quartz.

How To Take a Spiritual Bath


Spiritual bathing is an ancient part of magical traditions worldwide. Depending on the ingredients, is used to either cleanse away malevolent things or infuse the bather with beneficial things. Taking a spiritual bath is not like taking a regular bath — there are certain steps that must be followed in order for it to work on a spiritual level.

Why Use a Spiritual Bath?

Spiritual baths are exactly what they sound like: baths enhanced with spiritual power. They are a way to either infuse every inch of you with magic, or scrub away negative energy, illness, or bad luck. Cleansing baths are powerful tools for ridding you of unwelcome influences, while other baths can help you attract love, money, success, or other blessings.

Preparing for a Bath

First, cleanse your space. Remove clutter, dust, let in fresh air, mop your floors with a  cleaning floor wash , call upon your deities or spirit guides, and play music. Pay particular attention to the corners of your home, where dust and stagnant energy tend to collect. Then, take a regular bath or shower. The purpose of a spiritual bath is not to wash yourself, so this ensures that you are physically clean before you begin. Also some baths require 3, 5, 7, or 9 days of use without taking a regular bath or shower. Those are for more intense results and depends on the purpose of the bath.

Drawing the Bath

It is a good idea to use filtered water for a spiritual bath. If you do not have a water filtration system, there are simple carbon filters available that fit on a bath or shower head. Fill the bath with water at a comfortable temperature. While the bath fills, prepare your supplies. This can include setting crystals or candles at the corners of the bath, lighting incense, and even setting up a small altar.

When the tub is full, add the appropriate ingredients. For baths to take away negative energy or break a run of bad luck, consider adding sea salt, fresh or dried rosemary , and  dried lavender buds . For a bath to bring success, add Rue.

With the ingredients added, stir the water using either a wand, or your dominant hand. (Some people stir clockwise to bring things in, like love or success, and counterclockwise to take things away, like illness or negative energy.) While you do so, speak your intention out loud, or petition a deity or spirit for help. Visualize the bath filling with golden light, until you feel it cannot hold any more energy.


When the ingredients are added, the bath is empowered, and the time feels right, enter the bath. Ensure that the water comes in contact with your entire body. Cup it in your hands and pour it over your head, working down toward your feet.

As you soak in the water, know that the bath is cleansing you, purifying you, and bringing you your desire. Add your soap or liquid bath to wash yourself. Do not use shampoo or conventional soap, however — remember, physical cleansing is not the goal here. Relax and meditate, releasing any negative thoughts that intrude on your peace. When you feel the bath has done its job, step out and allow yourself to dry.

Disposing of Bathwater

Opinions vary on the best way to dispose of bathwater. After a spiritual bath, it is good to take some or all of the bathwater outside, face away from the rising sun, throw it over your left shoulder, and walk away without looking back. Others prefer to face away from the setting sun, in the idea that it symbolically causes the sun to set on your problems.

If You Don’t Have a Bathtub

Not having a tub does not mean you cannot have a spiritual bath. Instead of adding herbs, salt, or other ingredients to a bath tub, add them to a basin, stir, and empower them as you would a bath. Stand in the basin, pour the water over you starting from the crown of your head and working downward. When you are through, dispose of the water.

Combining herbs, salt, oils, and stones in a bath is a spiritual practice that has existed as long as bathing and healing springs have existed. With the right technique and the appropriate ingredients, you can create a spiritual bath that will help you achieve your goals.

Cleansing with water

One of the easiest ways to cleanse anything water-safe is by immersing it in water. Many practitioners prefer using clean running water from a natural source, but you can also add a few pinches of sea salt to a glass of water and use that.  Seawater can be used to clean your altar after a magical working, while lake water is very useful for cleansing tools before a ritual. Never immerse water-soluble crystals (like selenite or any ite ending crystal). If you have water-attuned tools or crystals, immersing them in running water is also a great way to charge them.

Cleansing with salt

Salt is a useful cleansing tool. You can place items on top of it, and allow it to sit overnight (or, if you prefer, until the next moon phase). While burying crystals in salt is a popular method of cleansing them, it should be avoided in crystals that are very soft or contain a lot of moisture in their matrix — the salt may damage them.


Cleansing with soap

It is best to be careful with using soap, as it may damage some tools. As a rule, items that can be immersed in saltwater can be cleansed with mild soap and plenty of rinsing. Use a good spiritual cleansing bar, like  Florida water soap, and spot test a small area before working on the whole tool.


Cleansing with herbs

Herbs are another popular method especially if you are unable to clean your items in water or salt. You can do this by burning the herbs either alone or on a  charcoal disc, and pass your items through the smoke. The smoke will remove negative and/or stagnant energy with it. If you cannot burn the herbs, you can also place them in a dish and bury your tools in them.  Popular cleansing herbs are white sage, lavender, lemon peel,  rosemary, and peppermint.

Cleansing and charging under the sun and moon

Sun rays are an excellent way to cleanse and charge your tools. Find a place outside where they will not be disturbed or set them in front of a sunny window before noon. Remove them before the moon rises. As a word of caution, it is best not to place colorful varieties of quartz ( amethyst, rose quartz, or smoky quartz) in the sun, as they may fade.

The moon’s phases offer another way to cleanse and charge your tools. The phase from the full to new moon is great for removing or decreasing, so placing tools under the waning moon can get rid of old energy and cleanse things. The phase from new to full is for increasing, so it is excellent for charging items. If you can, place them under the moonlight and let them be undisturbed from one full moon to the next.

Cleansing with sound

 Bells,  bowls, chimes, rattles, and other instruments can also move old energy. Place the object on your altar, or another space where you will have room to work around it. Then, simply use your instrument to clear away the stagnant vibrations with sound. Avoid placing crystals inside of a singing bowl, as the ringing frequency may damage them.


Rosemary has been used for centuries in magic spells and is used extensively for cleansing and protection rituals. It is also known for its love and fertility properties. 

Here are some ways to use Rosemary:

  • For a purification bath, boil fresh rosemary  and add cooled rosemary water to your bath water. 
  • For protection against evil, place a bundle of fresh rosemary by the front door.
  • For good dreams, place rosemary leaves  under your pillow. This will also keep unwanted visitations away. 
  • Attract healing energy by burning rosemary leaves over charcoal. Please in a room where someone ill is. 
  • You can also use rosemary oil to make a lasting impression – like a job interview.
  • Draw the perfect mate to you by anointing a red or pink candle with rosemary oil or by wearing  rosemary oil on your neck and wrists.  
  • Cleanse your altar and tools with rosemary oil. Or burn on charcoal and pass items over and through smoke.
  • Improve your memory on exams by carrying rosemary leaves anointed with success oil in a mojo bag. 
  • For fertility, add rosemary leaves to a green mojo bag. Carry with you or hang near your bed.

Rosemary is so much more than a kitchen staple. Together, they can provide a wide array of spiritual protection, love drawing and cleansing for you, your home and your place of business. These two powerful herbs should be a staple in your kitchen as well as your altar.