Lucky Gemstone Energy

Gemstones have living energy. Every gemstone has several attributes. Good luck is a part of the energy of many stones. There are times it may be more helpful to use more than one stone for the luck needed. At times a gemstone’s energy seems to prefer one person to another. This is why it is advised to experiment with gemstones.

As we change our way of life our vibrations change, that is why some gemstones will work differently on the same person at different times. I keep a small bowl with gemstones in it on my desk, one in my bedroom, and another in the living room. The gemstones get changed as I feel a need for the life force in my life and house to change.

Lucky Stones

I have found the amethyst and aquamarine when used with other stones; bring the most luck to me. You should experiment to see which gemstones feel good when you hold them. The best way to know what gemstone will be lucky for you is to hold it in your hand. The gemstones help change the life force around you and that is how gemstones can change your luck.


Agate Protection
Malachite/Citrine Business
Gambling Aventurine/Tourmaline
Smokey Quartz Endurance
Sodalite Peace of Mind/Writers Stone
Cat’s Eye/Hematite Understanding
Emerald Keeping lover faithful
Amethyst Psychic Powers
Red Jasper Home Security

Double Luck

Aquamarine/Sodalite Release worries
Career Breaks Garnet
Carnelian/Smokey Quartz Physical Energy
Amazonite/Amethyst Dreams into Reality
Rose Quartz/Emerald/Hematite Marriage
Citrine Money into business
Crystal Day to Day
Hematite For relationships
Tourmalated Quartz All the luck you can
Red Jasper Actors




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