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Devil’s Shoestring Root


Devil’s shoestring root is a common ingredient in the Hoodoo arena. It is said devil’s shoestring trips the devil so it can’t give chase. Its official name is Nolina lindheimeriana and it is a part of the lily family. Lilies in general have been a prominent feature in Greek mythology and even in Christian lore.  Please be aware that this herb is toxic. It should not be ingested or burned. But wait, the devil seems to have another pair of shoelaces, many Hoodoo texts consider Viburnum (specifically Viburnum lantanoides also known as Viburnum alnifolium) as well as Viburnum prunifolium commonly name Blackhaw) to be the primary plant referred to as devil’s shoestring. Fortunately, the magickal properties of all of these plants are very similar, so it is easy to substitute any of them.

Spiritual Uses of Devil’s Shoestring Root

  • Protection
  • Money
  • Luck
  • Employment
  • Power

I am not big on putting up the spells I use as they are secreto, but here is one I found on Original Botanica’s website www.originalbotanica.com

First cleanse the root with water, salt, or incense smoke.

Devil’s Shoestring is often used to create powerful protection amulets. Here are the ingredients you will need to create your own:

Several small pieces of Devil’s Shoestring root

  • A red cloth
  • A piece of black cord or string
  • Protection Oil, Rosemary Oil, or Basil Oil

Hold your cleansed Devil’s Shoestring in your hands and focus on your intention for the amulet, which is protection against negative energies and evil spirits.

Wrap the root in a piece of red cloth and tie it closed with a piece of black cord or thread, knotting it three times while focusing on your intention.

Anoint the amulet with some Protection Oil, Rosemary Oil, or Basil Oil, and recite the following protective incantation or prayer…


I consecrate this amulet with the power of protection,
that it may keep me safe from harm and negativity.


You can wear the amulet as a necklace, or carry it around with you in your purse or your car where it can continue to manifest powerful protection for you.


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I am an ordained Reverend and Initiated Afro-Caribbean Spiritualist. I have psychic and medical intuitive abilities. I realized as early as 5 years old that I was different. I saw people that others didn’t see and had “memories” that weren’t my own. In middle school, during lunch, I’d read palms for quarters. In high school, I began reading about witchcraft and made very potent love spells. In my undergrad, I met like-minded people and learned about Obeah, Haitian Vodou, Quindomble, Palo then Ifa. I ultimately met my Godfather in Lucumi, the Regla de Ocha. When I moved back to NYC, I received my initiation in Afro-Caribbean spirituality. I finished my undergrad in Florida and went on to complete an MSc in Globalisation and Development in London. In many ways travelling abroad opened my eyes to systems, government, and society. Spiritually, I neglected serving my spirit. I moved to NYC with stars in my eyes, dreaming of working with an IGO or high-level NGO. Instead, I went through the most unglamorous transformation and training to become the esoteric warrior you see in that picture above. I was even more stunned by the strong calling I received to spiritually serve as a career. Through meditations, I began to realise that many people who came my way were in need of my esoteric skill set. Even though it was not obvious at first, people came to me to dismantle old habits, stagnant lives and toxic systems. It was not an easy decision to take an alternate less traveled path but deep down, I know that this is my purpose, my life’s work. I help those that have done due diligence and they don’t know where else to turn. I get the root of what is preventing you from moving forward. Using practical and spiritual means, I lead you back to your fullest self. **I work with any/everyone regardless of gender, race, religion, political affiliation. I leave judgment to the creator.