The countdown begins towards the end of the year! Get your corner of the world in order because we need the enlightened to be a force in this ever-changing world. Visit me here or in-person! Check out the events below!
The countdown begins towards the end of the year! Get your corner of the world in order because we need the enlightened to be a force in this ever-changing world. Visit me here or in-person! Check out the events below!
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Devil’s shoestring root is a common ingredient in the Hoodoo arena. It is said devil’s shoestring trips the devil so it can’t give chase. Its official name is Nolina lindheimeriana and it is a part of the lily family. Lilies in general have been a prominent feature in Greek mythology and even in Christian lore. Please be aware that this herb is toxic. It should not be ingested or burned. But wait, the devil seems to have another pair of shoelaces, many Hoodoo texts consider Viburnum (specifically Viburnum lantanoides also known as Viburnum alnifolium) as well as Viburnum prunifolium commonly name Blackhaw) to be the primary plant referred to as devil’s shoestring. Fortunately, the magickal properties of all of these plants are very similar, so it is easy to substitute any of them.
I am not big on putting up the spells I use as they are secreto, but here is one I found on Original Botanica’s website www.originalbotanica.com
First cleanse the root with water, salt, or incense smoke.
Devil’s Shoestring is often used to create powerful protection amulets. Here are the ingredients you will need to create your own:
Several small pieces of Devil’s Shoestring root
Hold your cleansed Devil’s Shoestring in your hands and focus on your intention for the amulet, which is protection against negative energies and evil spirits.
Wrap the root in a piece of red cloth and tie it closed with a piece of black cord or thread, knotting it three times while focusing on your intention.
Anoint the amulet with some Protection Oil, Rosemary Oil, or Basil Oil, and recite the following protective incantation or prayer…
I consecrate this amulet with the power of protection,
that it may keep me safe from harm and negativity.🪬
You can wear the amulet as a necklace, or carry it around with you in your purse or your car where it can continue to manifest powerful protection for you.
This blog sat on ice for a year because I wanted to give drums the heartfelt homage they deserve! After all, they are used in many societies in similar ways.
A few weeks ago, I went to my first Trinidadian Thanksgiving. It was very energized by drums and the songs were dedicated to various Orisha. It was a particularly hot week in July. Temperatures were over 100 that week and in the facility that hosted the event, it was baking-hot. However, the call and response to the drums were electrifying. I also got to witness the Ghanaian spiritual presence. Ghana gave the world Anansi stories which I love to recite! The deities were called through the drum rhythms, marched in to greet each other, and demanded reverence from their audience.
Drums and I have a deep connection. They call my spirit responds. I had been to Nyabingi, a drumming style from Rwanda/Tanzania/Uganda that was later adopted by Rastafarians in Jamaica. Nyabingi, a woman, “the one who possesses many things”. I have been to vodun ceremonies even Palo Mayombe’s fiery presentations. However, nothing prepared me for an Ocha drumming. La Regla de Ocha or “Ocha” as it can be affectionately called is misnomered as Santeria. It is the intricate response to keeping the gods alive through the transatlantic journey. It was brought by slaves from West Africa, mostly the Yoruba of Nigeria; it linguistically adapts its origin of Ile-Ife into an Afro-Cuban story.
Pre-Instagram, I went to a house in Kendall with my Baba. It was a huge house, dedicated to Ocha. There were several rooms dedicated to the major seven deities. There were huge mounds of fruit, food, and gifts. There were plenty of burning candles with many petitions as well as ornate bovedas (where the spirit is housed), draperies, and representations of deities and their tools. Sweet smell wafted from everywhere as well as the smell of food being prepared. Iyas and Babas, students and devotees were all colorfully dressed. My baba advised that I dressed in all white. It was truly a bazaar for the senses. The bata drummers were so handsome. I wondered nearer as they began to play a dedication to Eshu-Elegba. I was entranced. Soon I heard whispering in my ear of words I understood, although I didn’t know the language. I began to cry. I awoke in a small den with an elderly lady patting my knee and a fan blowing directly in my face. I can’t divulge what happened because I don’t remember. I do remember my Baba telling me he had never come across anyone like me throughout his time. I wish I had asked him more questions, but to be completely honest, it scared the shit out of me.
Have you had experiences with drums, ceremony, or trance? Let me know in the comment section below!
The Psalm mentions the drum several times. In verse 81:2, it says, “Raise a song; strike the timbrel, the sweet-sounding lyre with the harp.” The meaning of this verse is quite clear. It emphasizes the instrument’s importance in creating a reverberating effect that makes the praise sound even better.
In verse, 149:3, it says, “Let them praise His name with dancing; Let them sing praises to Him with timbrel and lyre.” This verse reflects how the timbrel’s sound helps praise the Lord in a more melodic manner.
It says in verse 150: 5, “Praise him upon the loud cymbals: praise him upon the high sounding cymbals.” If you notice, you’ll see that the verses till now all speak of drums being played along with another instrument. Even today, musical bands play the drum and the cymbal together to produce the tunes deemed necessary.
The Book of Exodus, the second book of the Bible says in verse 15:20, “Miriam the prophetess, Aaron’s sister, took the timbrel in her hand, and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dancing.”
The use of the timbrel or drum in this commandment is clearly defined as an instrument used for celebrations that helps express joy and liveliness.
In the Book of Jeremiah, the second of the Latter Prophets in the Hebrew Bible, and the second of the Prophets in the Old Testament, mentions not drums but tambourines in verse 31:4 as, “again I will build you and you will be rebuilt, O virgin of Israel! Again you will take up your tambourines, and go forth to the dances of the merrymakers.”
In the aforementioned verse, we see that in addition to the drum, another instrument that occupied importance is the tambourine. It was often a part of celebration and helped people express their emotions.
Bibliomancy is considered to be a form of divination using sacred books. This form of divination is used worldwide and within many religions. The Bible, the Quran, and the Bhagavad Gita as well as poetry, manuals, and oracle books created solely for the purpose of bibliomancy. However, because these books are considered holy and/or contain the word of God, spiritual guidance from these materials is encouraged. Whereas the use of tarot cards and spirit boards is often frowned upon. I often use Psalms as a prescription for various spiritual ailments from love to court cases. There are other parts of the bible I use for very serious altar work such as speeding karma or various blessings of objects but Psalm is a daily go-to. For certain cases, I also use the Quran, which can help with behaviours and morality. My favorite verses are the Ayatul Kursi though which is a powerful verse that keeps away jinn interference in one’s life.
There are many instances of bibliomancy throughout the ages. The Falnama is of Iran or Turkish origins and was referenced in the 16th century. This book of Omens was used to foretell futures by asking a question and allowing the book to fall open. This method is the most common. Other ways are to meditate, perhaps do breathwork first then open the book to a random page. I have sometimes closed my eyes and picked random passages. These days there are many books that are titled “Book of Answers” that one can use to find a focus or direction. One does not have to be well versed in using bibliomancy when there are so many oracle books in the market. Perhaps the hardest choice is to narrow down what resonates with you.
The easiest method:
Perhaps the most important part is the interpretation of the passage in regards to the question being asked. That part of the process takes practice and discernment. Is what the relevant? Are you being warned? Is the telling me yes or no? Alas, practice makes proficiency. 🎆
Are you curious about bibliomancy? Have you used it before? Is it your first time ever hearing about it?
Florida Water: The Essential Worker in Spiritual Work
This cologne is worldwide and hands down the most used in the arena of spiritual work. It is for baths, bath floor washes, to enhance other colognes, and to cleanse spiritual tools. I was first introduced to Florida in Miami at the local bodega in North Miami.
I was intrigued with the bottles and when I noticed a man purchasing. Boldly, I asked if I could smell the fragrance. Well! It was love at first smell. I saved my allowance and purchased a bottle. I didn’t know yet that little bottle was so controversial until my mother began questioning me. She knew the spiritual uses. She told me to put in the middle of my other beauty items because people get the wrong idea. I wish I had known to question her more…
By the time I hit high school, I started to read about Haiti, revolutions, and Vodou. Vodou led to La Regla de Ochoa. And La Regla de Ochoa led to Obeah. Throughout my devotions, Florida Water and its variations are a staple. I hardly leave the house without it. It soothes tensions, aches, repels negativity while drawing luck through raised vibrations. I can make my own, as well as keep boxes of Florida for selling and personal use. After surgery, along with doctors’ orders, Florida can keep the skin cool and ease anxiousness.
Social Lights Inc. makes Vibes Spray, Florida Water-based vibration lifter. Many clients use it at work to calm energy, at home to calm tension, or while driving to soothe anxiety. It simply gets rid of bad vibes while smelling awesome. You can purchase here https://solitinc.com/product/vibe-spray/
Candle Gazing…WTF
Trataka is a yogic purification and a tantric method of meditation that involves staring at a single point such as a small object, black dot, or candle flame. It is said to bring energy to the “third eye” and promote various psychic abilities. Trataka aka candle gazing is considered another method of divination. Essentially, it is a tool to activate clairvoyance (clear-seeing).
Trataka also helps the body physically. It counteracts staring at screens; which lowers concentration and memory. Instead, it works to lower anxiety and improve memory and concentration.
How to practice Trataka:
Find a comfortable seat, ensuring that your hips are higher than your knees and that the flame is at eye level.
As always, I encourage journaling.
Agate is one of the best stones for protection. It can drive away spirits, protect you from psychic attacks, and stop magic. Tawny agate is thought to be the strongest protective kind of agate.
Beryl is known for magical protection and it can help you find faeries.
Okay, it’s not a stone, but diamonds are known to banish all sorts of negative energy. A couple of paranormal sites said diamonds also amplify your personal energy to help in interpersonal conflicts.
Garnet builds up your willpower and can reinforce your protective herbs. Carry them with you for added protection from spirits and ghosts.
Yes, it’s a metal, but it’s one that can amplify the effects of your protection techniques. Use it with herb burning that drives away evil spirits. That means use gold incense holders or burn protection herbs on a gold platter. FYI – Gold-plated items won’t help.
Jade is one of the most powerful stones for protecting you against psychic and magical attacks. It will deflect the attack on the sender with 3x the power.
If you need protection against shadow people, Jasper will quickly dispel them. It will also disrupt magical attacks.
Jet is a kind of coal that has protective properties against ghosts, evil spirits, and other earthbound entities. A few sources say you can burn it to enhance your herb defenses, too.
This is one of our favorite stones: Magnetite is a great all-around protection stone. You can wear it as a bracelet, pendant, earrings, ring, or necklace to keep the bad spirits away. It works against psychic attacks and magical ones, too.
Malachite is another good general protection evil spirits and magic. It also aids in releasing trauma. It’s in the copper family and has a deep green color.
Obsidian and Magnetite have a lot of the same powers. We use both for a powerful protective shield from evil energies.
Use Onyx to help separate an attached entity. If you think something followed you home from a ghost hunt, wear onyx ASAP to break free.
Ruby is known to amplify your personal life force. Apparently, it will make your chi radiate, and it could attract a psychic vampire. We say use it to recharge after a night of ghost hunting. Some spirits use bits of your energy to manifest. Ruby should help you recover.
While it’s not a protective stone, Sapphire has been said to wash negative energy out of your system. You place it in a glass of water, then drink the water after 5-10 minutes to purify the negativity. Remember, don’t swallow the stone. You can take it out after the purification process (about 10 minutes).
Okay, we’d never heard about this stone before. Sardonyx is a combination of onyx and sard. It makes the wearer invisible to magical attacks…if you wear it on your skin. So, get a bracelet and you should be fine!
Topaz is another strong general protective stone. It works especially well against psychic vampires and hostile magic.
This stone is known to provide a strong defense against hostile magic. However, it’s not known to protect you against ghosts, evil spirits, or demons.